Step 1 Sole Source New starter...again! Day to day diary


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Hi everyone, I am a wife, and a mother of 3. My babies are 15, 11 and 1. I am just 2 months off graduating from university after 3 years. I am now focusing on me, and getting myself back to a reasonable and healthy weight. I am 5ft 5" and weigh 19st 13.5lb, my target is 11st. I did Cambridge in 2012 and lost 4st in 3 months.

If you are just beginning your Cambridge journey please leave a message and we can support each other. My weigh day is a Monday night.

Day 1-

For breakfast I had the apple and cinnamon porridge which I quite enjoyed. For lunch I had a apple & blackcurrant smoothie which was really nice. For dinner I had macaroni cheese which I was pleasantly surprised with and will definitely be ordering again! I have had 2 cups of black coffee and 3/4 of my daily water. I fill a 750ml bottle 3 times to make sure I am drinking enough, I am on bottle is 9pm and already I am wondering how I am going to drink it before bed!
Brilliant you have started again and I wish you well. You lost a lot last time so you know you can do it. You must have a very busy life with 3 children and also studying too! I have also restarted and tomorrow will be a week for me. I found days one and 2 reasonably ok but 3 and 4 were harder. Now I feel full of energy and not really hungry. It's a good feeling! I like the smoothies and I love cappucino and chocolate. For savoury I like the vegetable soup. I'm doing sole source+ due to medication I have to take and doctor's advice.
All the best and hope all goes well for you. x
Well done on getting back to it. I've restarted many times but I am determined to make this the last time ever. I have 13 stone to lose.
Thank you :) I have over 8 stone to lose but like you am determined I will do it this time! Good luck! When do you weigh in?
Brilliant you have started again and I wish you well. You lost a lot last time so you know you can do it. You must have a very busy life with 3 children and also studying too! I have also restarted and tomorrow will be a week for me. I found days one and 2 reasonably ok but 3 and 4 were harder. Now I feel full of energy and not really hungry. It's a good feeling! I like the smoothies and I love cappucino and chocolate. For savoury I like the vegetable soup. I'm doing sole source+ due to medication I have to take and doctor's advice.
All the best and hope all goes well for you. x
Hi! I am feeling fine today, it's only day 2 though! I have had a chocolate mint milkshake and coffee and water! For lunch I'll be having rice pudding and for dinner mushroom risotto, I haven't tried either of them so not sure what to expect. Have you? When do you weigh? I weigh on a Monday night x
Day 2

Well day 2 is almost over...I've had a chocolate mint shake for breakfast which was quite nice. I had rice pudding for lunch which was AWFUL and the mushroom risotto for dinner which was worse The risotto made me gag, I had to put it in my mouth, take a mouthful of water and swallow it altogether! Ugh! So glad I didn't get any more of either of them for the week. Ive drank 2 out of 3 of my bottles of water and had 2 cups of black coffee...and peed for Britain allll day!

How's everyone's day been today? X

Edit: not sure if anyone is reading this but I'm treating it as my own little diary just to keep me going! I have a metallic taste in my mouth, quite strong! Is it possible to be in ketosis by the end of day 2? If anyone knows please tell me :)
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Day 3
Well I've had all products for today. My day has gone like this...

...woke up with a very sore lower back, -think ketosis has kicked in too, so tired! 1 year old decided 4am-6am was play time! Tried to ease the pain with a shower after dropping the 15 & 11 year olds at school. It seemed to work for a couple of hours. Anyone else had this problem around day 3? I know a lady on YouTube did that's why I'm asking.

Decided not to have any products until after toddlers at 11am- that was difficult with them passing the toast downfall is bread! I resisted and had a black coffee instead. My first product was a chocolate orange shake which was nice.

For lunch I had a cherry and strawberry smoothie which was lovely, definitely be ordering that again!

For dinner I've just had spaghetti bolognese which I was pleasantly surprised with! It was really tomatoey, obviously it didn't taste like the real thing but I've tasted worse spaghetti bol out of a tin. Its really nice for what it is. I've had dinner early tonight so I can disappear upstairs whilst hubby feeds the kids as I'm struggling today! It's so strange because I feel full, I'm definitely NOT hungry but would give anything for chicken fried rice curry and chips right now!!! STAY's obviously all in my mind if I can tell I'm not hungry but could still have a takeaway! I have taken a screenshot of some before and after pics on another site, and a pic of my graduation ball gown to keep me focused. It's a masquerade theme...go figure! I don't have so much an issue with my face but that part will be covered :/ typical! Hope everyone is doing well this week! Can't wait to hear from you after weigh day! Oh and I've had 2 out of 3 of my bottles of water.
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My weigh in is on a Tuesday except next week when it'll be Wednesday. She was fully booked next Tuesday, probably because of bank holiday Monday. I've not been in ketosis that quickly-I'm always day 3,but I would think it's possible if you weren't eating a lot of carbs before.
It almost end of day 3 and I'd definitely say I was in ketosis. I'm not hungry, but still thinking about food! My mouth tastes like I've been sucking on a tin can! And I'm sooooo tired! Can't wait to hear how you've done on weigh day, good luck x
Hi! I am feeling fine today, it's only day 2 though! I have had a chocolate mint milkshake and coffee and water! For lunch I'll be having rice pudding and for dinner mushroom risotto, I haven't tried either of them so not sure what to expect. Have you? When do you weigh? I weigh on a Monday night x

I tend to stick to the shakes but quite liked the spag.bol and rice pudding. Haven't tried risotto. I get weighed on a Wednesday. Week one was only 4 1/2lbs. I thought it might be more as have been really good! Well...I may have taken a bit too much fully skimmed milk some days but I needed those cups of tea/coffee! I know it would have been more if I could have done SS. I guess 4lbs a week is still ok if it continues like that. Must stop weighing myself every day though!! Hope you're feeling good today. Off to drink more water!
Well done on getting back to it. I've restarted many times but I am determined to make this the last time ever. I have 13 stone to lose.

How are you getting on today? Keep forgetting to drink more water! Had eggs for tea and some parsley ha ha!! I do like parsley though. Having hot choc shake later so can't wait! Going earlier to bed so that I don't pass the fridge and feel hungry!!
Hello all
Hope you're all doing well?
I'm loving cambridge at the minute. I've never had results like this on any other diet. It's really tough and you have to be in the right headspace but my god it works!
Brilliant, well done! Has your ticker updated? Mine won't...
I lost 5 this week. So delighted! Makes all the sacrifice worthwhile doesn't it? :)
Hi everyone :) been so busy with the kids being off this week that I haven't had time to post! I had my weigh in on Monday night, I lost 4.4lb but did have a disastrous weekend :( so disappointed in myself but also noticed that my attitude to food has already changed! I knew I didn't NEED the food, I knew I wasn't hungry, I also knew I just wanted the food but felt horrible after it. Anyway, new week, bring on Monday! I updated my signature but my ticker won't budge!! Must try again tomorrow on my laptop. Have a good week everyone :)