Easter 2015 Challenge


5:2 lover
So 5:2ers/Juddders/Fasters who's up for a challenge?

Good Friday is 13 weeks away so what would you like to lose in that time? If you tell me your goal I can add you to the challenge & if you let me know your weigh in results whether they're weekly/fortnightly/monthly I'll keep it updated as best I can ;)

I'll start off with mine which isn't much but I know how slowly I lose now so I'm being realistic

Lexie 7lbs to lose

Kitty 10lbs to lose

Pippalata 12lbs to lose

Carrie 9lbs to lose

Lisa 6lbs to lose

Jacci 14lbs to lose

Katie 8lbs to lose

VeggieAnna 10lbs to lose
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6lb for me please :)
I'm going to aim for 1lb a week please.. Starting Monday 5th Jan when I am back to work... Going to aim for total of 13lbs by then... Thx

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Hi Lexie, can you put me down for 8lbs please - first low day of 2015 today and my stomach feels better already!
Hi - please can I join too - I'll aim for 5 lb - I'll weigh in tomorrow am (if ive put on loads I might adjust this target :) ) Good luck everyone

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Hi Lexie,

Can you put down 13lbs for me please?

Hi Lexie, for my first post back on MMs for a looooong time, could you put me down for 14 lbs please. I started 5;2 on Monday and will weigh tomorrow. Quite excited to be doing something again!
And can you up my start weight from 9.5 to 9.9? 13lbs till new goal xxx