Starting low carb for weight loss and improve blood sugars


New Member
Hi there,

I have been trying to eat low carb on and off for a few weeks now but find it difficult thinking of things to eat so I thought I could come here and find out what you all do and gain some inspiration / support from you guys.

I would like to lose around a stone in weight but I also want to try and keep a better control on my blood sugars. I am type 1 diabetic and obviously carbs affect my sugar more than anything else so reducing them will help me a great deal. It sounds simple and easy to do but it suppose we all know how hard it is to stick to plans even though we know we should.

I think it will help me a great deal looking through the posts on here and discovering more 'easy' on the go things to eat.

Look forward to meeting you all!

Slim xx
Hi slim, nice to meet you. How is it going?

I think you are absolutely right to target low carb lifestyle to support both weightloss but also hopefully keep you healthy since sugar doesn't do you much good! I've been living low carb over 3.5 years now & it's very doable - I usually sit 20-40 g a day. I rarely feel hard done by & love food and eating. In case you are interested my favourite recipes are on my website :