Question about tracking


Full Member
Hi ladies.

Quick question for ye. Hope ye can help. I have a built in pedometer on my samsung phone. You input your weight and height. It tracks steps taken and calories from the steps taken. You can leave it on all day. It resets every mid night or just turn it on when you go for your walk. Rather than tracking when you are walking around your house and work place as well.

I'm tracking my calories on mfp (friend me - louise21mfp ha ha). Its given me 1520. It's a simple question but something I just can't get my head around. Do I leave my pedometer on all day and log that figure. Normally 500-550 calories. Which would give me a net of 1000. Or just log the walks I do that arent housework or normal work related stuff.

Sorry for annoying everyone with such a simple question. I am a bit ocd and want to start off properly...:eek::eek:

I generally don't track my household walking! I'd just track the ones where you're doing it for the purpose of exercise. If I tracked household, I'd kid myself that I could have extra calories every day IYKWIM?
I wear a fitbit all day and let that sync to MFP everyday. It usually gives me between 200 and 500 calories per day. I walk for around 1 hour each way to work though, so I always hit 10000+

If you're going to log your calories on MFP I'd probably log half and make sure you eat them back. The aim is to NET 1520. It's all trial and error, if you're not losing after a couple of weeks doing that then stop.

Remembering always that the aim whilst losing weight is to eat as high calories as possible whilst still losing.
Thanks ladies for all your help. Sometimes I tie myself in knots complicating the matter!

Bad day today so having a "get back to basics" evening. Feeling low so need to pick myself up and dust myself off.