Calorie Goal, extreme hunger and cycling


Full Member
Hi everyone :)

i haven't been in here in ages! I'm currently in the late stages of CBT for ednos (eating disorder not otherwise specified-I'd starve all day then binge In the evening) and IV been doing really well. I'd like to lose 1-2 stone more from here and my calories for the last 3 weeks without binging at all (yay!) have been 1300. Iv been doing great but last few days IV suddenly felt extreme hunger and thirst. Today IV given in and am eating lots as I can't go to bed starving again! I'd like to know if anyone knows why this may be? It's as,if my brain isn't registering my food.

Would calorie cycling be an idea? Also do you have cheat or higher calorie days? IV been including chocolate and ice lollys in my allowance which helps but my hunger is really getting me down.

Any advice would be welcome. I'm 5'5 and 10 stone. Thank you :)