Trustworthy calorie counts


loves food and cooking
Where do you trust to get calorie info from?

Do you use books, apps (which ones), sites etc?

A lot of the food I eat doesn't have nutritional information on it (not as a rule, just the way it is!) so need to look it up. MFP seems really random. Google can be useful and give instant results but only for basics.
I don't fully trust any one thing, I use mfp mostly but I cross reference anything that seems unlikely. It's sometimes worth adding your own foods to mfp if you've already found out the values, or do some research online for what you eat regularly and make a list in a notebook or phone
Always use Calorie King - very easy to use. Sometimes question MFP cals and the number of calories they give for exercise so I always cross check anything I think is wrong. I have a small book I have written the cals for 100gms of the foods I eat regularly so can easily find them. (but after all this time can usually remember them :) )
I use MFP too, but also double check some things. I have added a lot of my own recipes on there which is much easier than trying to work out all of the ingredients.