Step 1 Sole Source Cough syrup PLZ HELP

Hey everyone

Quick question:

I've come down with a really bad flu and I've been prescribed some medication, one of which is some cough syrup. Now the packet says it sugar free but will this take me out of ketosis? I feel really bloated and I've been taken this since yday. I know I should probably go off the diet but i don't have much of an appetite and I feel I can do this.

Plz help

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Well will an illness like a cold or flu often the medication is to help the person suffering not cure the flu. Helping someone feel less sick can really benefit their healing.

Now I'm not a doctor, but I would say the body needs looks after to heal and get well properly, also we burn more calories fighting bugs off.

So don't worry about it too much, so the best you can. If you feel the cough syrup is actually not worth it (The pros don't out way the con's)
You don't have to take it. Or keep it for when your really bad maybe at night.

If It were me I would go up to step two or three at least to boost my body a bit. But I might not use the cough syrup, depends how bad I got. If I could do with out it I would.
Thank you for your response. I ended breaking up diet to recover and gained three kilos in return but I'm back on it now.


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