Hibernating Butterfly......


Full Member
Day 1 tomorrow Xx
Good luck! Xx
Thank you x
17/11/14...... this happen!

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Yayyyy day one is here. I am having a very lazy sofa day. I am going to read lots on here and stay focussed. I feel very excited. Good luck to everyone facing the same challenge as me. We can do this..............piece of cake ;-) Xx
I have just been looking at the old moonwalk full marathon training plan and oh my!!! It's intense.
I need a plan so I'm less daunted by it

okay, between now and new year get as much weight off doing SS and walking dog
I don't think they give out the plan till Feb so Jan will be picking up the pace ( see how quick I can walk a mile )
This brings us to Feb, I should of lost around 70lbs by then (5st)
Start training plan in Feb and stick to it (find safe places to walk, trainers, music to walk to, possibly join gym)

id really like to be around 13st7 by the moonwalk date or less of course :) and a size 14

A few goals............

To be 20st 8
To be 18st 2
To be 16st 10
To be 15st
To be 14st
To be 13st
To do the full marathon moon walk
To skydive
To wear my size 14 jeans
To wear my wedding dress
Just wanted to say good luck hun, you sound so positive and in the zone, that's half the battle won already. Your husband sounds just like my other half and it makes such a difference. Mine would eat in another room when I first started to help me. A few tips from me - the first 10 days for me were the worst, it does get easier and easier as time goes on. Stay 100% as going in and out of ketosis is not nice. Lastly distraction was key for me and helped with being bored as I avoided the pub etc, I done loads of 1000 piece puzzles and read loads of books. Oh one other thing is your'll be freezing going into ketosis so be prepeared :)
Good Luck xxx
Thank you for stopping by with kind words and advice. Means a lot xx
To look back on and add to as
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Wow that's 69 reasons just off the top of my head, I didn't need to pause and think once and I will have more to add xx
Reasons not to lose weight.............

It's only 11p liv
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" There are so many people out there that will tell you that you can't, what you've got to go is turn around and say watch me"
To look back on and add to as I remember them............. Reasons to lose weight....... 1- to wear nice clothes 2- to improve sex life 3- to get in the car easier 4- to be able to walk down stairs in the morning easier 5- to have a bath and not worry if husband sees me 6- to have a bath and not worry about falling through the ceiling 7- to get up from the sofa like a lady not an elephant 8- for my knees and back not to hurt 9- to buy a nice work uniform 10- to do skydive 11- to walk marathon 12- to enjoy getting ready to go out 13- to have more respect for myself 14- to stop the stairs creaking under my weight 15- to wear my wedding dress again (around the house, I'm not that weird :) 16- to be able to fly ( on a plane, I said I'm not weird.lol) 17- for my son to be able to sit on my lap not my belly 18- to not hide my clothes lable from husband 19- to not mind if husband hangs my jeans out 20- to weigh less than my husband 21- to have more space if someone wants to get past me 22- not be embarrassed to eat in public 23- be able to sit on any chair 24- not waste money on food 25- don't be a liar because of hiding food etc 26- for my son to be able to put his arms around my waist 27- to like mirrors 28- to like shop window reflections 30- to be able to wear heels 31- to reduce obesity related illnesses 32- to be compared to jessica Simpson again 33- to have just one chin 34- to not dread my husband touching me 35- to shop anywhere I want 36- to make the haters hate! 37- to get a wolf whistle 38- for my husband to be able to pick me up 39- to be able to shave my lady garden!!! 40- to sleep better 41- to not have one outfit like batman! 42- to walk the dog faster 43- to have better bowel movements 44- to not abuse alcohol 45- to be able to put shoes on easier 46- same for socks 47- to not have to open my top button 48- not to reply to myself as fat girl 49- be able to go to family things and not be embaressed 50- same for husbands work things 51- to start my career up 52- to take bra off easier 53- to have pretty bras 54- to have more energy 55- to wear shorter tops 56- to go swimming 57- to not have people feel sorry for me 58- to make mum and sister aware I'm a woman too!!! 59- for my hair to look longer 60- to be able to not wear a cardigan 61- for my son not to be embaressed 62- to be respected 63- to be an inspiration 64- to not be embarrassed if I had to go in to hospital 65- to be able to hold my handbag more lady like (don't ask!) 66- to live longer 67- to set good examples to people I love 68- to be the person I was meant to be 69- sorry for this.......... To wipe bottom easier!

I love this list lyds, such a good idea and an honest account of how u feel to look back on as well as being a motivational tool. Xx

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Thank you WPW. Maybe my list was a little too honest but I really needed to get it all done to look back on when I'm struggling.

small steps........ Yay I have got to lunch time on day one. I have already demolished 2 litres of plain water which feels great but the needing to wee every 5 mins is a bu***r, lol. The sooner my body gets used to large amounts of water and little amounts of food the better :)

i will be making my little dude lunch shortly which will be a cheese and salad sandwich, a piece of fruit and a mini treat size choc bar. None of it takes my fancy so I should get through this food encounter fine. I must remember not to lick my fingers and I must remember not to pinch a sip of his orange juice! To be honest I feel so full up on water I couldn't eat right now if I wanted to ( well I could but you know what I mean)

by by now id of had 2-4 slices of toast with butter, cream cheese and marmite or maybe peanut butter or Golden syrup or all of them. I might of had some crisps and choc too. For lunch I'd of prob had a grilled cheese wrap (2 of them) and maybe more choc. Our cupboards are pretty empty at the mo so if I had more in ID of snacked on that too. This feels good knowing I'm not going to touch any of this stuff. I feel strong. I just need time to pass now. I read once that don't put off doing something because of the time it will take because the time will pass anyway. This is do true and relevant for me.

Hay I've just noticed how much of what I type gets auto corrected.oopppssss lol :) I really can't spell very well!

tonight will be my first real challenge as I love to eat in the evenings. I love dinner and eating snacks after it up until I go to bed. But that won't happen so I will have some fizzy water and watch missing and then go to bed proud of myself

on Sunday I had an awful diet and spent sooooo much money on food. I'm so glad I've put a stop to that now. We had a huge Burger King meal which came to £26!!!!!!!!!! Wtf!!! And then we had a drive through ice cream. I had banana and toffee, two large scoops and a big big choc dipped cone, oh s**t I've just realised I didn't get a flake with it hahahahaha
we then went home after a nice walk and ate noodles. Mad mad mad.

But thats the old me, the new me drinks water by the litre don't you know ��
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Hello =]
You can totally do this!

I started in January at almost 23 stone - 11 months later I'm now 13 stone, so close to target.

It has been such a hard journey, but I take one day at a time. That's the key.
I keep a daily diary, the products I eat, my weight, how i'm feeling, thoughts, etc. It may sound silly, but when i'm having an 'off' day, i can look back at my progress.
Just be 100% focused and remember WHY you want to do this. Day 3 I wanted to give up. I looked in the mirror, and was like "wise up Laura"..... and gave myself a 20 day target. Come on now, I thought, How hard can 20 days be?
And if i fail at doing 20 days, well, what a loser I am. I've tried and failed at SO many other diets in the past, I wasn't gonna let this one do the same.
SO I did my 20 days, and I think I had lost 1.5 stone, and the rest is history!

I also record everything on insta gr am under the same username as I am on here. It's great for motivation - feel free to add me if you're on there :)

Cambridge really does work if you stick to it 100%.
Any questions - I'm here "^_^"

Good luck =]
Thank you so much minus117 I'm so happy you commented as its your story that has really got me motivated. I read yours from start to finish earlier and I have so much respect for you

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Off for another wee...............
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Okay lunch made for little dude (even the dog is eating) and I'm still going good and feeling strong. I finished off my 2 litres 1 hr a go but it feels like 10 mins. I have my next 2 litre bottle waiting for me oh yipeeeeee!!!

off to go and watch some TV now and then going to do a little housework because I can't resist :)

speak soon no doubt
loving being here xx