What's your favourite flavour?


I had my Exante delivered today after buying another weeks worth of LL only to discover Exante is far more cheaper I must have a months supply of it now and it was a little more than a weeks price of LL
I have tried the porridge and it was yummy much tastier than LL and more of it! I didn't think much of the mushroom risotto at lunch though but ate half and chucked the other in exchange for half a bar (can't think now what that was called was it berry?)
Very sweet and fudge like in the middle which helped get rid of the horrid taste of my lunch! Now shall I have shepherds pie? Chilli? Curry? Spag Bol? Of turkey dinner? Hope they are all tasty as I have loads of them lol your opinion will help make dinner more tastier please :)
I LOVE the Turkey dinner! That is my fave so far I think!