Total Solution Blender?


Full Member
Hi to all,

I've just received my four week mixed bumper pack from Exante and reading the instructions on the packets it said to mix with blender or whisk. I haven't got any of those, is there any other methods of doing this? If I mix it with a spoon/fork will it achieve the same results?
If I was you id invest in a shaker. A spoon will forever and probably still not get all the lumps.
Yup I got the exante shaker which was good as the metal ball inside gives it a good mix.. Subsequently the dog chewed through it so I picked a maximuscle one up at Tesco and rescued my ball for it and I've never had any problems!
I must blend or I can't get all the lumps out! And just fyi, if you splurge on a super-duper blender it makes the shakes super frothy like a takeout :)
Wow really? They are selling some random stuff now. They e-mailed me about selling gym passes or something the other day. Suppose they are all linked to the diet though..