Advice/Help Needed - Introducing Food


Full Member
Hello hello hello!!

So, I am back on the wagon for the 1,000,000 time; six weeks in and counting!! Anyways, in 58 days I will be flying away from cold wet Britain and heading to Orlando. Foolishly, I left it far too late to lose the amount of weight that I wanted to (like 200lbs!!), but I would like to lose as much as possible before we jet off.

That being said, I need to introduce some food before we fly otherwise the shock to the system is going to be chronic. My plan is to leave it until the Monday before we fly (we fly on the Thursday), have a final weigh and then start to introduce some foods. My questions are:

Is this enough time? Obvs I want to leave it as long as possible for ultimate weight loss, but I need to make sure that my body is ok with food before I hit the American cuisine (hard).

Also, can someone give me some guidance on what I should be introducing, and in what order? I figure protein is a good start, but what about veggies and fruit?

Any advice is welcome. Despite being a VLCD veteran I have never been through a re-feed phase that didn't involve a trip to KFC!! I'd like to do it right for a change!
hi, I'm very new but while reading up on re-feed I found a thread on the slim and save board about a 7 or 10 day refeed, you should give that a look, it seemed very helpful.