Weigh scale free diet


For the past year I have had a troubled affair with my scales. It's been a love hate relationship, the daily weigh in a cause of much pain and fleeting joy.
Overall, it has been loving enough with an overall trend showing of the numbers going down but now, sadly, it's time for a break.
We both need our space and time to think. So for the next month my scales are going to a luxury spa retreat at the back of bathroom cupboard while I continue to diet without them.

It's a scary prospect, but I know my calorie allowance and my exercise regime, and I know they work.

So from now until 14th December the scales are gone!
Wish me luck...
It's weird to not include the weigh in in the morning routine, I'm already looking at the cupboard door and wondering if I can find a good excuse to just quickly step on. No, I won't do it, I will be good and keep to diet - I am hoping for a lovely surpise next month. I have a christmas meal to go to and I want to be able to wear a slinky dress.
What is it about dieting and having to get on the scales every morning? Im just the same, you wont get me near a set of scales if im not dieting, but it becomes an obsession if I am. The scales tell lies as well, like you know you have been so strict on your diet for say, 4 days in a row yet the numbers do not change.

Good for you if you can resist, but giving up the scales is as hard as giving up smoking for instance. I would love to be able to put my scales away for a month, I wish you the best of luck with it!

We should become our own scalesaholic anonymous group, with daily postings instead of daily weighings. I will join you in your effort to stay off the scales if you would like to join in with a daily posting instead. If you like, make a new post called ScalesAholic Anonymous to see if anyone else wants to join in the challenge.
I actually got so obsessed with the scales my man took them outside and smashed them with a hammer. Weighed as soon as my eyes were open, after a pee, with underwear on, after a poo, with clothes on. After breakfast.... You get the jist.
Now I have to go to boots to get weighed, and I'm so tight I hate paying the 50p so only go once a week lol xx
Poor scales! Smashed for being so popular, lol.
I'm glad it's not just me trying to give up the addiction.
I have now turned this into a challenge - thanks for the idea canarybird - check out the challenges sections and join me in cutting this addiction from our lives ! :eek: