55lbs to go...


Full Member
just a quick "hi" as i'm meant to be off to bed ;)

i'm CCing to lose 55lbs and get down to my goal weight (which i think of in kgs, but counting the losses in lbs makes me feel better). my goal weight is still above the "healthy" bmi's top number, but it's a weight i feel and look comfortable at, so i don't think that's a bad thing. if i get there and think i could cope with losing a little more then hey, i can always do that, right?

i'm using MFP to plan my meals, we house-share with my mother which means we're only in control of dinner for 3/4 days a week - on her days it's all about choosing to take a smaller portion, which can sometimes be hard :( (firstworldproblem, amirite?) i'm aiming to be under my 1500 cals a day, though this will get harder in the coming weeks as i'm reducing my breastfeeding and thus burning less calories that way. my little one isn't suffering for it, he's 10 weeks and thriving :) portion control is where i struggle, so we're trying hard to keep within limits and if we have a splurge day to splurge with healthier options, at least.

i'm 31, new mom, married, and insanely happy with my OH <3 can't wait for us to get a place of our own, which will hopefully come sometime this year. place of our own = no more arguments about who has hogged all the space in the fridge/freezer. also, privacy! yay!

i have a diary in the CC section, and as soon as i've reached my post goal i shall put up screen captures of MFP to illustrate my intake. some may need explaining as i itemised the ingredients rather than created a separate meal.

anyhoo, off i trot, sleep i need.

Hi there, welcome to Minimins!

Sounds like you've got a good plan worked out, good luck with your weight loss!