Vegetarian 59 pounds to lose (Alternate Day Diet)


New Member
Hi all,

This is my second attempt at alternate day fasting.

Determined to get to 9st this time.

My plan is pretty simple.

On fasting days, a protein-based dinner at about 4pm, a bit of fruit in the evening and lots of redbush tea.

On feast days, I'm going to cut out snacking and try and stick to Slimming Word recipes (with a occasional treat to keep things interesting).

I am super super motivated.

I've always loved my food and have been a bit heavy. But this got out of control after the children were born. I'm bigger than ever. My knees hurt, my hips hurt, I can't move around like I used to and I don't really look like me any more.

By summer holidays 2015, I want to be light on my feet and ready to run about.
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