Think I know why IF/5:2 forums sooooo quiet! ;-)


Silver Member
So, last time I was on here (Dukan) - I was ON HERE ALL the time. I constantly ran through all the forum posts, diaries, etc. But that was because I was on Dukan EVERY DAY. Meaning, I needed the support each and every single day.

Here with "intermittent" fasting, it means just that - we only are really dieting intermittently and therefore 4/5 days a week don't require support from our peers or people going through the same thing.

Just thought I'd throw that out there and see if there's agreement. I did find another board "fast diet" that's a bit more regular in their posting, but considering how fond I was of minimins and the help I got last time, I want to keep coming back here :cool:.
I see what you mean but I'm not sure I agree. I actually need more support on my up days, down days more or less take care of themselves!