Dismal failure!


Wanna lose 100lb
Yesterday I tried to keep to 500 calories for my first Down Day. I was awake from 4am, I had two mugs of home made veg soup about 8am/9am, and by 1045am was so hungry I could not stand it any more and had to eat. By the time I'd made some food I was literally shakey and lightheaded.

How do you withstand the hunger?

Hi Helena,

Obviously, starting your DD at 4am doesn't help matters as that's just more hours to get through without food but hopefully that won't happen every DD.

On my DDs I have two high protein, low carb shakes from Exante, which amount to 400 cals in total, and then 100 cals of semi skimmed milk in coffees throughout the day. I have one shake about 9am and then another about 7pm. Coffees, a Coke Zero and lots of water during the day. I do get hunger pangs but they pass. However, I haven't felt light headed. I don't think that veg soup has enough protein in it and you probably need this more on a DD as it does tend to fill you up for longer. I like using total meal replacement shakes on my DDs as I know I'm getting at least 2/3 of my vitamin and mineral RDAs from these and I also take a supplement. If you don't fancy shakes then try using more high protein but low cal foods like cottage cheese and eggs.
I don't think that veg soup has enough protein in it and you probably need this more on a DD as it does tend to fill you up for longer. I like using total meal replacement shakes on my DDs as I know I'm getting at least 2/3 of my vitamin and mineral RDAs from these and I also take a supplement. If you don't fancy shakes then try using more high protein but low cal foods like cottage cheese and eggs.

Yes, I can see that now, Cate, thank you. I think my idea was to get as much bulky, filling food as possible for as few calories as possible and that, of course, means veggies. I've now been told that my up days should be 2600 and my down 800, which is more do-able than 500. If I stay in bed till lunchtime I could have 300c of protein and fat at lunch and the same again about 6pm, leaving 200c for the milk in the many cups of tea I'd have to drink to get through the day.

At the moment I am losing OK on 1700 a day. If I stall, I now have a JUDD plan to fall back on.

Many thanks
