My treat - 21 lbs lighter


Full Member
Hi all

As its Saturday night and I would usually be eating out, so saving my pennies! Instead to reward myself for weight loss just spent £215 on 2 pairs of shoes!

Next big weight loss I'll buy something less expensive! ;)
Wow - they must be some shoes! :eek:
I don't think I could bring myself to wearing them either! Well done for the great result!
I bought 2 pairs!
still, £107.50 on a pair of shoes! They would have pride of place in a box in the wardrobe lol :)
One pair was £139, the other was slightly cheaper!
My gorgeous husband has hat told me that when I reach my goal weight I can have some laboutins, for me that's the 2nd biggest motivator going after my babies xx
my treat will be a size 10 dress :) along will other size 10 clothes :)