ssslllliiinnnkkkyyy 20-12 ;o)


Determind dieter :D
Right this is my new diary new day :)

Instead of starting on Monday I decided to grab the bull by the horns (so to speak) and started back on LT this morning :D

I'm busy today with housework, running my daughter to Ju Jitsu and general cleaning up when I get I've got lots of things to distract me today. I've always been putting off restarting ..but no TOTM why not get on with it.

Another day just means that more weight can be gained that I'd need to this way I'm drawing a huge line in the sand and stopping it from now.

Today I'm 17st 1 1/2lbs ...which is up on WI 2 weeks ago but nothing huge that I can lose by WI this Friday!

No stopping now ...whilst my OH is working away in USA I want to try and lose as much weight as I can so he can see just how well I've done while he's been away.

This IS going to be My year to be SLIM/HEALTHY!!!!! x x x
Thanks Dee...couldn't do this without your unwavering support as always :D

Like the play on numbers ;) lol for the title of my new diary :)

It's slightly ironic that I started off at a size 20 and would dream to be a size 12 thought it was a good omen shall we say.

I'm finding it difficult to stick with it today as my little darling daughter has decided to be ROYAL pain in the butt!!! I will NOT let her beat me with this ....its all emotional my triggers...I am having to learn to deal with them rather than suppressing them.

I have managed to keep to 100% today and that's the first goal I set myself :) ...I'm going to do this in baby steps.
x x x
20-12 eh?

Very good Tru!
Just signing in to wish you luck!
OMG Denise...just seen your piccie on your profile :D WOW is the only word ;) ...and goes to prove it can be done!

Denise your support is greatfully appreciated as well honey....I honestly don't know what I'd of done if it weren't for the lovely ladies on here!!!
x x x
Day 2 ~ Honk!!!

Well I managed to stay 100% yesterday :D woohoo mini goal 1 achieved :D

I'm taking this in complete baby steps again as that is how I got onto it in the first round. I'm not looking further ahead that 1 shake at a time ;) which I've told many another person on here but failed to take my own advice( isn't that always the way) lol.

So now I'm starting to sort Myself out and its helped by having to do lots of things around the house whilst my OH is away. It means I'm being more active...although I do things I don't normally have to do everything ~lol~ but its working 2 means that I don't have time to miss him as much ...and its making the days go a hell of a lot quicker ;) which is only a good thing.

I have gotten on the scales this morning (which I know is a bad thing to do daily weighing) but I had to have a ickle peek....and 16st 131/2lbs :) ....woohoo its actually shifting :D

I know it works if you stick to it 100% ....and now I have an aim....I want to be at least a dress size smaller when I go to collect my OH from the airport on 31st March....which is plenty of time to drop a dress size on this wonderful diet :D

Sorry for the LONG ramble but I'm getting back into writing to keep my fingers occuppied ~lol~ it was an excellent way first time round. I just hope that it keeps me on the straight and narrow now!
x x x
Thanks Dee :0) I'm so pleased as Day 1 I always struggle with which is difficult. I'm very pleased with how it's going so far...1 shake at a time ;0) lol

Well done with your loss as well honey :0) so proud of you for getting back into it :D x x x

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Thanks hunni.... I just keep thinking of those size 14 jeans in the summer......

I should buy some i really like.... I may do that in a couple of weeks!!! And hang em on my bedroom door!!!

Well done so far Truleame.. You are doing so well.. Just a couple more days and it will be much easier (just the manky breath to deal with!! lol).. Keep going hun x x
Feel like bursting out in tears :0( had so much to deal with today. Its beyond stupid!!!

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Had a REALLY stressful day at work :mad:( also mood not being helped by a certain lil collie who keeps waking up barking!!

Also having to juggle so many different things whilst OH is away it just got a bit overwhelming was all.

Whilst working I pulled a muscle in my shoulder and chest thought I'd have a relaxing bath to help the ache. Didn't do very well as getting outta the bath I slipped and have bashed my arm and ribs on the bath :0( so even more painful now. Think ya may see why I was ready to cry last night!

Needless to say I wasn't 100% last night :0( x x x

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I am really sorry to hear that True.. No wonder you were crying!! Today is a new day, and i hope it is a better one for you hun x x
Thanks ladies :0) nice to know I have people about who care x

Today is a new day :0) bit of an achey day but gonna try and be good. My daughters reaction to the bruise under my arm was classic....mummy none of my bruises are that colour when I hurt myself! Why what colours this one then...oh it's a very pretty purple :mad:) lol had to giggle but owie x x x

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aww Tru bless ya !! Hope your feeling better today... arnica gel is fabby for bruises, it takes the Ouch factor out and also stops the colour developing.... hope today is a better day for you and you stay 100% again hunny... so lookig forward to your wedding day and seeing those pics of you looking totally gorgeous.... AND slim! yay... you can do it you know you can, your a strong, capable and lovely woman with so much to give. Love to you L xxxx
Ouch Tru! You poor thing <hugs>

Just catching up on everyone's news as I've not had much opportunity to get on here of late.

No doubt your daughter will be fascinated as the bruise changes colour but hopefully that'll mean it's healing!

Keep smiling sweetie xx
Turning point

I'm at a turning point with my diet atm...I SO badly want to lose the weight but I'm so struggling with the limited flavours that I actually can stomach! Which is 1 flavour! :(

So tonight I've ordered so sample products from SnS ...I'm not sure if I can keep my diary going on LT or whether I'll have to move over to the SnS page instead.

I will keep posting on people's pages here as you've all been amazing in helping me through this diet so far. But so I don't fail I had to try something different!

Now to wait for the stuff to arrive :) x x x