Low carbs better than low fat?

I think it depends on the type of carb and the type of fat. Complex carbs are fine simple carbs tend not to be. And some say animal fats are better than vegetable because they are more similar to ours, and transfat definitely bad, others say certain vegetable fat like olive and avacado are really good, soya really bad :). It's a bit more complex than either or :)
Mmm - not sure I quite agree. Normal granulated sugar is a carb it is very refined and has no nutritional value - so have as little of that as possible. Other carbs are better but they can make it difficult to lose weight dependent on your metabolism and amount of exercise. The best carbs are complex carbs which you will find in wholegrain. Some fat is definitely bad for you. Avoid fats which have had to be very processed, so soya oil and spreads, even low fat can have trans fats which are bad for you. Olive oil seems to be good for you as does avocado oil, but actually these fats too are best taken without being processed, that is by eating olives and avocados. The same is true of fruit sugars - eat the fruit rather than the sugar which has been processed from the fruit. People say to you calories in should equal calories out and you will be fine. It is not as simple as that. For most people, eat as much unprocessed food as you can, eat as little processed stuff as possible, stop eating when you are nearing full, exercise a little on a daily basis and you will be fine.
I had read a research paper the basic idea was- dietary fat does not make you fat (Though saturated fat is still bad for arteries etc.) and that it's actually the leftover energy from carbohydrates that gets converted into fat.
Pretty much - carbs are now considered the enemy (especially refined carbs, but basically anything with a high glycemic index - so even the humble potato and white rice need to be approached with caution). Some things with carbs are very good for you, some food have carbs which are hard to digest so don't enter the bloodstream (mainly those that give us valuable fibre like wholegrains and some vegetables).