Need to get back on track

Hi all, ok so i started slimfast about a month ago and for the 1st 2 weeks everything was great and then my sister gave birth to her little girl so i was staying at her house alot helping out which meant slimfast went out the window:cry:
Today I'm determined to get back on track, but on saturday theres a family party which again means it'll be hard to stick to the diet..
I think its hard to do this alone so any support would be really appreciated thanks xx
don't worry about the party just be good before and after, easier said than done I know.
I lost loads on slim fast about 30ibs before july but came off it and weight crept back on, Its really hard to get back on the wagon... My motivation is Xmas and all them blooming photos! I'm determined to feel and look good, I'll then have 2 weeks off over the holidays.

At the party have a glass of water between all drinks, and enjoy it. Your not dieting your changing your life and the way you look.
HI There, Im in my second week and loving slimfast, best diet ive tried. I have the night off every saturday and either have a few drinks or a nice meal with friends and I find by having that to look forward to it is really helping me be extra good during the week, I only have 1 snack a day to make up for it lol id say go to the party and have fun and then be good the few days after, if you dont have fun you wont stick to it :)