best slimming world recipie


Full Member
whats your best recipie so far
i made the sausage roll mmmmmmmmm
will defo have this again and the kids loved it
tried the peas curry today dont know if anyone else has......does sound a bit urgh but honestly you would be really surprised at how much it tastes like a take out

in fry light -mushrooms and onion
brown them off adding any spices that you wish(different people like different ones)
potato diced up, carrot finely chopped and anything else you may wish to add
chicken pieces in there
keep stirring(the smell at this point is lush)
add one tin of chopped tomatoes , one tin of mushy peas(i know)
then add the curry powder of your choice

to compliment this do the egg fried rice and you will be sure to add this on your weekly menu

hope you enjoy just as much as i did and feel free to comment when you have tried or post any of your fave dishes down especially currys , african dishes xxx