Journey has hit a road block!


New Member
As the title suggests I've come to a bit of a road block on my Slimming World journey. I've been up and down for the last few months and need to get my head into gear. Sadly, our SW meeting has closed and my support group of people are all going to different meetings which I've found really tough. Feel that I'm on my own again really.

I've been so focused today though and hope that, in spite of Christmas celebrations, I will maintain my weight this week and next. I don't want to put too much pressure on myself to lose anything - I want to enjoy Christmas and New Year and go into 2014 with a positive feeling of getting to target by Easter.
Monday 23rd January

Muller light yogurt, satsuma, banana
Cup of Tea

Quiche made with Rosemary Connelly sausage, peppers, mushrooms and eggs, beans
No added sugar black currant juice

SW magazine recipe Spinach and Mushroom cannelloni (cheese as healthy extra a)
Mixed leaf lettuce
Diet Coke

​SW rocky road bars (HEB)