Hunger Vs Thirst Debate


Full Member
Hello all, your wisdom is much appreciated

I know that sometimes pangs in the stomach area are thirst pangs mistaken for hunger but at which point should you know that you are hungry?

I realise this sounds stupid but i have eaten enough today and drank enough and yet my stomach hurts and i feel hungry.

I just drank a pint of water but as yet no difference

Any help would be most appreciated

Thank You
Heh, if you drink a pint of water and 20 mins later still feel hungry, you're hungry! Ave a banana and a mullerlight and wait 20 more mins... hey presto, no paineyo anymoreo! :D

I agree, you are probably hungry.

I notice that your mood says 'sick' today, so if you have a temperature that could be why you are feeling thirsty too, but try a little snack and see how you feel then.
I know this sounds gross but i know when im really hungry and not just thirsty when i have a funny taste in my mouth and i think my breath starts to smell.

It reminds me of going into Ketosis as i did on the atkins diet.

I dont want anyone to think i have raging halitosis - im far from it! Lol, i just get what i call 'hungry breath' :p
Thank You, Il stick to a sort of 20 min rule!

I had another glass of water and an apple so that should settle me until i get home tonight

not sick as such Donnie, i have neuralgia so my face hurts! :-(