Male Consultant


Full Member
Hi All

Just wanted to get a quick survey about Male consultants:

Do any of you currently have a male consultant?
If so, Do you find it off-putting or the same as having a female consultant?

As a female would your prefer a female consultant or would it bother you having a male consultant?
or as a male would you prefer to have a male consultant?

I've been thinking about it for a while as I am a male and at the start would have preferred a male consultant but now I couldn't care less...I didn't even know that there was male consultants until I seen an article on the sw online site - has gotten me considering if i had any interest in becoming a consultant.

I have a male consultant and to be honest, I prefer it. I always found female consultants were more judge-ey - possibly 'cause I know how harsh I judge myself!
Personally it wouldn't matter to me. A good consultant is a good consultant, a bad one is a bad one. Gender (in my opinion) has nothing to do with it.
I think you'd get a lot more men joining your group, which can only be a good thing.
Wouldn't mind what sex my consultant was - as long as they are supportive!
I have a male consultant, I am new to his group but he is lovely. He is also the most popular consultant in my area and I much prefer him to the consultant of the group I left. I'm really pleased i decided to move over.
My lovely c is female and very very good. However, I would have no problems with a male consultant so long as he was good at his job. And yes I think it would encourage more men to join, which could only be a positive.
Gender wouldn't bother me at all. The only thing that bothers me is that the consultant is doing their job properly and offering the support and advice I pay £4.95 each week for.
I agree with Jezzi. I have never had a male consultant but I think I would prefer one given the choice. Perhaps its a stereotype but I would prefer straight talking and tough love than the gossipy, pandering style I have seen from most female ones :)
We had male one cover for about 6 months. He was brilliant, full of ideas, and really funny.

But I don't think everyone felt the same as although he was very funny I think his humour wasn't for everyone. He didn't fo the happy clappy stuff which was good and more talked abt how individuals were doing & who would like help.

Before him we had an older woman who did it years, I thought she was rubbish. Almost like she did it too long and no longer did it out of enjoyment more for money.

We now have brilliant consultant, she shares ideas, we go round the room and see how ppl done and asks the room for tips etc, she sends motivational texts to the group.

I think any consultant male or female will do well if they are good. Only issue would be being would be if a woman is self conscious and doesn't want to join with a man. I wasn't like that but can imagine some woman might be. Equally so I believe u would get more male members and could even gear some advertising to that market.