Question about grating apples.


Calorie Counting
Apples are free I know but what about grated apples. If you mash bananas they are synned as is blitzed or cooked fruit but when I was grating my apple on my porridge this morning just thought about it and can't find the answer anywhere. Anybody know please?
Thank you.
I personally wouldn't syn it - you wouldn't actually be eating more than you would if you ate it 'as is'.
The basis behind syning cooked or blended fruit is that you can easily eat more than you would at a single sitting than you would have if eaten normally. Also, blended or cooked fruit also doesn't give you the same level / length of 'satisfaction' > sort of easier to just swallow & forget rather than having to work at it (IYKWIM).
Thank you - it was the banana thing that made me think about it. I like to grate the apple into my porridge as it takes ages to eat it and I think I have eaten more than I really have.