
  1. Suzieque

    Lipotrim- My story so far

    I had considered many diets to change my lifestyle, lose wieght and maintain that wieght. My issue was that I live to eat, not eat to live. If like me, you constantly thought about food but subconciously you had a chip on your shoulder about your weight and figure the only way is to cut it all...
  2. Mia haye

    How long did it take you guys and are you excersizing?

    Hi just started following slimming world wanting to loose around 2 stone just wondering how long this usually takes people as I know this is more of a lifestyle change then a diet .. also are you guys excersizing? Thanks!! X
  3. S

    Total Solution and..the journey begins..again.

    Hi All! Brand new here, so, I'm gonna put myself out there and tell you my goals, what's happened and various other bits. My story has many ups and downs, but, I hope it can help inspire and also support me! I'm 30. A male. I am 6ft 2 and I weigh, whilst writing this, a whopping, 24 stone 1.6...