Total Solution Day 4, am I normal ???

Hi Bellylegs11, the first week tends to be abit rough until you get into ketosis, you will start to feel full of energy again.
I'm currently doing Exante and once in ketosis I do feel great, I just struggle with the mental hungar side and cave.
I'm hoping for a better week, hang on in there you will feel less sluggish and tired soon:)
I am on day 3. Day 1 I really really struggled and ended up eating a cob of corn . Day 2 I did the chi orange bar in the am. Then 2 shakes. Today I have had my morning shake and a boiled egg. My headaches are very intense-probably caffeine withdrawals.
So glad I have found this site for support. I really want to do this- I have 2 young children so there are temptations everywhere. I'm hoping it subsides soon so I can get into my groove!