J2's Diary...Again

Thank you all for your kind words. It's good to be back :) Well it isn't. I'd much rather be on a beach somewhere at goal surrounded by women in bikinis *day dreams for about 10 minutes* Erm, yea, you know what I mean though!

Today's menu:

B: Bacon
L: Eggs, Burgen Toast x1, Reduced sugar ketchup (small amount)
D: Asda 'Extra Special' Wyke Farm cheddar burgers, salad
S: Almonds, Blueberries

This obviously isn't induction food but I never bother following the food lists. I think they are purely for simplicity. The above is about 35g carbs. I don't mind going to about 50g. I don't believe the carb level makes much difference any more. This is down to Anthony Colpo and Lyle McdDonald who have both written extensively on this and backed it up with studies. Colpo especially has destroyed the low carb metabolic advantage claims as far as i'm concerned and McDonald has a great book out called the ketogenic diet where he talks in depth about physiology. Here is a quote from his website 'In any case, an intake of 15-50 grams per day of carbohydrate will still allow ketosis to develop and those ketogenic dieters attempting to ‘eat as few carbs as possible’ might want to consider that in the context of not only providing much needed food variety (at 50 g/day, even a small amount of fruit can often be fit in) but also in the context of the protein sparing issues I discussed above'. The protein sparing thing is 'Basically, in the context of dieting, dieters can either jack up dietary protein to cover the increased carbohydrate requirements of dieting or simply eat slightly more carbohydrates to provide them directly. Both have the same end-result. 15-50 grams per day limits the body’s need to break down protein and will allow protein requirements to be set lower than a diet providing essentially zero carbohydrates per day.' This is all backed up with studies so my eyes were opened (just my personal opinion, i'm not saying anyone else who believes differently is wrong). I am however quite disappointed with Atkins. It seems most of the studies he quoted were deeply flawed. My opinion of Eades and Taubes has also declined massively, especially Eades who I now believe knows the whole thing is flawed and is just sticking to the story to sell his books.

If anyone wants me to sod off to low carb boards I don't mind. I appreciate people may not be thrilled about seeing stuff like Burgen bread on an Atkins diary, especially if i'm going to attack the diet. To be honest though, I never had any success until I discovered Atkins so i'll always be grateful to him for that and perhaps at the time, they didn't know about water losses, glycogen and potassium to the extent we do now.

Thanks again :)
Hi James
Please go right ahead and talk about all the research - i think it's key that we all know there is lots of conflicting "data" out there. Frankly in the end the only thing that matters is what works for you and your body:D

Unfortunately i did an n=1 experiment on myself and burgen bread (even 1 slice) makes me hungry and put on weight even if rest of carbs low. DH however can eat 4/5 a day :sigh: Message to all low carbers is pay attention & figure out what works for you!

Great to have you back with the research links x
Morning James

Loving your research synopses and you have inspired me to go and read! Thank you.

Enjoy your bread today. Like Katie though, I'm a carb monster and one slice would lead to the whole loaf for me .... sigh ;)

Have a good day

P x

PS ... you might not be on a beach but you are surrounded by women (albeit I, for one, am in a dressing gown rather than a bikini!!!) ;)
PS ... you might not be on a beach but you are surrounded by women (albeit I, for one, am in a dressing gown rather than a bikini!!!) ;)

LOL very true!!! :D

I agree - it's always really interesting to discuss the science - why shouldn't these things evolve? I mean, we've all been pushing against the low fat, low cals mantra that the world and its doctor thought was the only way to lose weight.
Here is a great pdf book on how there is no metabolic advantage (according to the author) on low carb diets: http://www.thefatlossbible.net/They_Are_All_Mad.pdf

I bought his 'fat loss bible' book and I agree with him after seeing the sources he has quoted. I do believe low carb has great advantages that other diets don't have though (or why would I be here? :D) These, for me, include protein (muscle) sparing, appetite suppressing and more control with far fewer carbs. Also, although I have no evidence for this, I do have a theory that the good fats in the diet are good for the skin and minimising loose skin, although that might be complete rubbish :D

Menu today:

B: Skipped it...
L: Pastrami, salad and mayonnaise low carb pitas
D: Grilled bacon, eggs (no fat, cooked in Ceracraft pan - highly recommended) and mushrooms cooked in a little coconut oil
S: Almonds, strawberries
D: Tea, Pepsi Max

Decided i'm going to have flexible weigh ins so I can weigh in after a day off because I don't eat until about 7pm when I work and i'm sure it influences the weigh in next day. First one is Tuesday. Now going to read some of your diaries...or imagine you in your dressing gowns...
ha it seems the dressing gowns joke has scared you all off :cry:

B: cheese
L: worked 12-4 so nothing
D: bacon, eggs, mushrooms, 1 slice burgen toast, reduced sugar ketchup (17g carbs)
S: Bourneville choc bar (26.5g carbs)
Hey James. We are still here; nothing surprises us so come on back;) xx
Hi people.

Sorry I haven't been on for a while. My nan was in the final stages of liver cancer and sadly died on Friday morning. It's been very difficult for the family and very stressful. I'm probably about 2 pounds lighter than my stats suggest. Tomorrow it is 2 weeks until her funeral and i'd like to get into the 23s by then. I realise losing 20 pounds in 2 weeks isn't exactly an easy target but I lost 16 pounds in two weeks when I did Atkins last time. This time i'm going to ramp up the exercise and keep the calories slightly lower than last time I did this. It should be something like 1800 kcals including a 90 calorie/10g omega 3 dose per day.

I always thought everyone I cared about would see me get to goal and 'make it'. The thought she never got to see that is absolutely heart breaking. I won't allow anyone else to go without seeing me achieve something. RIP nan, I will do this for you.
I'm so sorry for your loss xxxx
So sorry to hear James (hugs)