Pledge...Just For Today Wednesday 17th January, 2007!

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Staff member
Pledge...Just For Today Wednesday 17th January, 2007!

I have started this thread for anyone who feels they might need that little bit of extra focus to make it through the day:)
We will do a new one each day and anyone who feels like making a pledge at anytime throughout today, to do their diet Just For Today Wednesday is more than welcome.

Add my name too please Mini! Today i am in the zone!

I pledge on this day i will only eat products supplied by the Cambridge diet.

:p I pledge I will only eat 2 more shakes before going to bed early to avoid all temptations!

Thanks for taking part in "Just For Today" and I hope you have all got through your day okay:)

My husband made a lovely dinner for himself and wanted me just to taste it:rolleyes: My pledge really came into action and I felt strong and said no, even though it smelt delicious. He said he was sorry for tempting me, but was so proud I said no.:D

Love Mini xxx
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