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  1. J


    my llc has ran out of books and she asked me to wait a couple of days until she gets more. so ill be starting LLL next week and was wondering portion sizes and what type of things ill be eating etc... would be great help thanks
  2. J


    Hi there i was just wondering if anyone could give me what your allowed exactly(i.e which types of protein and vegetables) and the exact portions of the protein, vegetables and extras (i think your allowed milk??)... preferably in grams
  3. J

    Week 7 of RTM- beans and pulses....can you have too much?

    Hi there im on week 7 on route to management and im reitroducing beans and pulses and i had a can of chikpeas (230g drained weight) for lunch... i didnt know if i was overdoing it...and i was just wondering if i should be a bit weary of beans and their calories?? Thanks
  4. J

    Week 2 PORTIONS!!!

    Its so u have any idea of how much yogurt/frommage frais we should be having....because im sure im having too much
  5. J

    Week 2 PORTIONS!!!

    Hey there im having a bit of diificulty with portion sizes not mentioned in the book esecially when it comes to the dairy products so i was just wondering if anyone can answer my questions: 1) In the book it said that we are allowed virtually fat free dip, does that include salsa dips? 2)As we...