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  1. M

    Lunch hour at work

    Everybody eats their full and plenty meals whilst I have to endure hunger. I shouldn't be hungry because I've eaten what a "normal" amount is... What do I do? I go to the school library and try to occupy my time with something else. I don't look forward to the stomach grumbles...
  2. M

    That point in the day...

    Everyone is eating carbs in the staff room... Toast, crumpets, muffins, some weed hit dog bun with melted second rate cheese... Urgh... So bad for you but so tempting.... Most of the foods are buttered too. Great. I stick to my black coffee and one sugar.
  3. M

    First Day

    Hi everyone. Does anybody have any first day stories? I would be interested to know people's thoughts and feelings from when they first start off this weight loss journey. Thank you...