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  1. S

    Land of the free, home of the weight gain?

    Thankyou so much to everuyone you really helped with all these tips, and now I'm back (and back on the diet) There is a little damage, but overall, it's very slight nothing that can't be worked out in a week or two! I love this place.
  2. S

    Worst WEEKEND ever=\

    I had a friend who drank similar quantitys of coke everyday and decided to cut down, (because of the caffene not the sugar) and so gradually switched from coke to juice so he'd have 1 less glass of coke and instead have 1 glass of squash, every day for about a fortnight until he didn't drink...
  3. S

    Land of the free, home of the weight gain?

    I'm halfway through my 3 month holiday in America, land of the free, home of the people who can find a way to put fat and sugar in lettuce. I'm loving it here but I can already see I’ve put on weight the people are so nice and the food is good. Almost too good, I was so proud of how I looked...