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  1. S

    success express

    Many thanks to all who responded. Had a word with my consultant about it. This is what she told me: Success Express is neither a red nor a green day. Just follow the guidelines for filling the plate with food three times a day. Then use the HexBs and As as usual on top. The idea, apparently...
  2. S

    success express

    successs express Thanks, MaxiMouse Still confused, though. The HE Bs are used as part of the 1/3, is that it, for 3 meals during the day? So it is just like a normal Green or Red day but with salad.
  3. S

    success express

    Here we go again with success express! Tried it this week and am in trouble already. Do I actually have 5 HEs per day? Some are used with the 1/3 and then the book says have your healthy extras. Are these on top or included, please?