stressful days = gain


Ever since my group changed to a new day I have been gaining then losing the same 4 or 5 pounds! The weigh in comes at the end of an exhausting work day [the only one in the week] where i start very early and basically don't get to eat till about an hour before my weigh in. I started to get very depressed and ended up just comfort eating after each depressing week.:cry: Yet, ihave not actulay gained anything and my home scale does not show a gain (or a loss). So I am planning to switch to a different day and see if that helps.
I also need to be re-motivated.:confused:
Has anyone else noticed that some days or times are better for them? Any other sectrets for re-motivation. Am happy with my life-changing 3.5 stone weight loss, but really wanted that 4 stone by new year.
well i lost 5 pounds so changing day really might have made a difference.