5 Stone. 70 lbs. Day One.

How many times have I tried this now? Too many to remember! But here I am again, never giving up, trying to shift this weight and the unhealthy habits that got me there. I've never written a weight loss journal before, but this time I'm throwing every thing at this and I thought it may be helpful to write my feelings down and talk to other people about the struggles and the successes. It's 14:00 and I have a headache, which is what I expected. I always get these when I start a new diet/healthy eating plan, stress combined with lack of sugar. Usually I would be defeated by now, already planning my evening binge but not today. So I'm winning so far. I'm going to take some headache pills and get back to work and hope that it's gone soon.

To achieve my weight loss I'm going to be cutting my calories big time, around 1000 a day, it will usually be more as I will add in any calories burnt with exercise to that total. I'm also having the weekends semi-off, I've planned for 2750 a day on the weekend. Now, I know this isn't the healthiest way to go about things. But you see I am a major sugar/food addict and without some relief from the strict regime during the week, I won't be able to achieve any thing. I'm hoping in time I will be able to get to a balanced place where my average calories each day is normal and I exercise three times a week and am slim and healthy. But this is the first day, emotionally, psychologically, I can't wake up and be a different person. I am still an addict and I need to manage that addiction in the best way I can.

I'm looking forward to the end of the week already, but I'm really trying to enjoy the present as well. I've got a mindfulness meditation book which I'm hoping will help that. Somehow I need to learn that I do not need food to be happy, I do not need food to enjoy myself, these things can be achieved without it. It's a nice extra to life but is not necessary for happiness.

This journal may end up being whinge fest but I'm hoping it will be the one place where I can get this stuff out of my system, embrace my frustrations and negative feelings and then move on from them.
Good luck and keep us updated :)