Another newbie

Hi, I'm another newbie though I have been trying to incorporate a low GL diet for the last month. I did start a low carb diet in January but lasted two days before I had the migraine from hell, and the thought of another egg turned my stomach.

I have done Weightwatchers and Slimming World in the past but although I managed to lose weight at Weightwatchers several times I gained it all back. Slimming World just lead me to overload on pasta and baked potatoes.

I am doing my own plan but am counting calories on MyFitnesspal just as some sort of control. I'm glad to have found this forum, I did join the Dietfreedom forum but it is very quiet.
Hi Malteaster and welcome to the Low GI/GL section of the forums! I did really low carb for 1 month back in summer, and I am still having a tough time eating eggs.

Luckly with low GL we don't get that funky low carb breath, headaches, dizziness or that weird withdrawl feelings. Since I've been eating low GL, I get very few stomach aches, acid burns, and bloated stomaches. I feel better and energetic compared to before.

Let us know if you have any questions:)
Hi and welcome! You sound really focussed and organised. :) I know what you mean about SW, I found the same!

Nice to have you on board! :)
Thanks all, I really enjoy this way of eating.