
Full Member
Well, for the last few weeks I have been living off whatever my hubby gave me to eat. I managed to tear a muscle in my back and sprain my ankle (all in one tumble, mind you) and I have been couch/bedbound until today. This is my first try at getting back to a sitting position and surprisingly I am not yet in total agony. Perhaps this means I am on the mend.

How did I get into this state? I was carrying my puppy into our condo and he tried to escape his bag - the zipper on the top was open enough for his head, which is apparently large enough for his body. I managed to catch him but in the process I lost my own balance and tumbling down two flights of stairs I went! I am so clumbsy. I didn't manage to escape unharmed, but thankfully my little pup did, though he was a little shaken by the whole experience and he does not understand why I am not playing with him of late. I hope he doesn't hold it against me.

I am not sure how I am doing weight wise, I will have to weigh in tomorrow. I have been living on pasta, store-bought pasta sauce, tv-dinners and peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches (all courtesy of my hubby, who is not a cooking fan).

Anyway I hope everyone is doing well. I am going to retire back to the bed and read a bit, this is starting to get uncomfortable.
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Aww :(

Hope you're feeling better soon!! :hug99:
awwww....... you poor thing, dont worry about your weight at the moment, just concentrate on getting better. if you have put on a couple of pounds, its not the end of the world, you can lose it easily, you were doing so well before, and you can again.

hugs and kisses xx