Banishing the munchies!!


Gold Member
Just wondering what we all do to help banish those dreaded munchies?

I jump into bed with a book or run a bath? For when I'm busy or out I ALWAYS keep a box of tic tacs in my handbags for banishing my munchies and my odd smoking cravings (quit 6 months ago).
Sometimes I give in although I try to give in with a healthy option but sometimes only chocolate will do. A mini bar from m&s is only 65 cals.

I try and go for a walk in the evening and it might stop me wanting something but even if it doesn't I've burnt the cals off first! Paint nails- you can't eat at the same time!
I try and have some protein as I find that really curbs the cravings - something like a few slices of ham which is low in calories works well. This doesn't always work so I also give in everyone now and then and try and make it up with exercise! :)
If its early evening I get myself to the gym to keep me out of trouble! I usually get the munchies about 9pm so I make a cup of tea, grab a diet coke or have a nice bath :) x
sugar free jelly ...... the adverts are a killer on tv just make me more hungry i find sending my self to bed helps with a pint of water
Mug of tea for me if its just boredom snacking
Carrot and celery sticks :) Sometimes with low cal crackers and some low fat tzatziki or hummus dip. I like things that crunch :) With a plate of that, maybe with a cut up small apple, you can have a good snack for 100 - 150 cals.
Have a drink or chewing gum! Or paint my nails, then I can't eat for at least 5 minutes by which time they're usually gone
Oh a tablespoon of peanut butter and apple slices to dip in it. yYum if you're craving something sweet :)
have just remembered my green tea with lemon and also peppermint tea that leaves a freshness that takes of hunger and also makes you feel more settled after a meal
This isn't going to help if you want to learn not to snack when you get these munchies but I know at about 9pm I will want something to munch on, either through boredom, habit, hungar etc, so I plan it into my calorie allowance from the offset so I know it's not going to do any harm. I always leave 200 + calories for evenings and did even when I was losing weight (I don't really like much of a breakfast so it was quite easy for me to save calories)

I never feel the need to binge or eat anything extra in the evenings and I think this is because I know that I can have something. I was a binge eater before I lost any weight but I never feel the need anymore. If I didn't have evening snacks then I would probably at times binge.

Sugar free mints and chewing gum are always in my bag though just in case.
It's always evenings for me. Cup of tea and a 2 finger kitkat usually do it, or light choc mousse. :)
I love carrot sticks with houmous, nom nom nom...