beautiful anomalies wonderful road

Hello there, here I am finally accepting and dealing with the fact my weight has got out of control, in actual fact my whole life has gotten out of control, but I won't go into that.

I'm currently weighing 13st7lbs, and my goal is to get down to 10st13 or as near to it by the summer.

I'm going to be following the slimfast plan, which I have done in the past, and got to goal, but unfortunately life's
Been full of crazy and I've let food get
The better of me again!!!

It's now time to sort it as it's really affecting my self esteem, I don't fit intomy nice clothes and i just look damn awful. So tomorrow is day one, an I will weigh in every Tuesday, I'm going to stick to it religiously, having a treat day once a fortnight!! Wish me luck I will be updating every day.
Congratualtions for recognising the need to become proactive :)

I dream of the day I get down to 13, 7... so don't be too hard on yourself! You're doing the right thing tackling it - you can be proud of yourself for that - xx
Thank you, I just never thought I'd let myself get to this point again, but at least I'm putting a stop to it now!!

So far so good, going to go for a long walk in a bit. Will add food diary later.