Big Brother 2011


Gold Member
Anyone else watching celeb BB? Apparently the celeb version is on for three weeks and it will run straight into a normal BB until November.

Im glued - love it!
Just turned it on, Kerry Katona and Tara Reid so far...Tara had 0 personality!
HAHAHA Paddy from My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding....Bare Knuckle Fighter
I see that once again the word celebrity is being used in it's very loosest term.

Some of them aren't even as good as z list
She is too funny...
Is Tara Reid drunk???
Tara looks like she is on something... Bit strange.

Celebrities in the very loosest term apart from her... A pap, really???!!!
A "Hollywood Starlet" ....NOT shes been in some trashy movies - American Pie etc
Epic Fail with the Pap dude
Am so hoping for jedward just because i think they will annoy everyone, not that the pap guy is not annoying atm -.- House is really nice though i want that gym for mine =P