Boobs & butt

Well my boobs and bum are the only things on my body that I actually like, and I'm scared that when I lose weight, I'll get stretchmarks, start sagging, go down a cup size and generally lose bum ):

Anyone have experience with this? Reassurance :p ?
Mmmm, I am not sure I can be very reassuring here :-( However I will start by saying that you haven't a lot of weight to lose from what I can see in your stats, so you are in a different situation to me. You are likely to lose weight from everywhere, so you will still look in proportion hon.

My boobs have completely gone, seriously we are talking 34 AA bra size now! However, I hadn't much to begin with to be fair!

I don't think you will have a problem with the bum, to be sure do a few squats and lunges everyday - you will be grand!

Good luck hon

Nicola xx
Ahh dear me ): I was told with every stone you lose, you're likely to go down a bra size... So I'm going to end up in the A/low B's if I want to lose 2 stone D: !!! I'm terrified, I've only just discovered that I have a head-turning cleavage and now I don't want to get rid of it lmao.

I'll get onto those lunges and squats though, thanks :)
Mmmm well fingers crossed hon, not everyone loses from there, I think it depends a bit on genes and your natural body shape and that.

But if all else fails, padded bras are pretty good lol.
I've lost nearly 7 stone and I've only gone down in cup size from an E to a DD, I have gone down from a 44 to a 36 though and this is what they might mean.
Don't forget also that cup size is measured relative to your back measurement. Your boobs are likely to look relatively similar in proportion to the rest of your body even if you go from a 48-DD to a 32-C :)
Hun you got to do what's right for you. But your bmi says you're healthy already? I know there's a lot of problem with bmis, but it also got some things right. Cos by your stats you're aiming to go under what a healthy bmi range should be. If you do, then of course you're going to lose your lovely healthy curves! - boobs and butt.
I've been looking at research and actually in terms of mortality rates, being 'overweight' is actually the healthiest category. Being underweight is just as bad as being morbidly obese for mortality rate!

Sorry if I'm preaching, I'm just concerned, don't want you to go too low with your weight on the misguided assumption that it's healthier.