Budget Survival


New Member
I gotts face it.. I am broke as a student, with creditcards over charged, pretty soon they'll be after me!

I jsut want to know, what foods should I consider to eat (being healthy and providing enough energry)

Im 24- male, and I ride a bike about 7 km a day (save bus fair)

Currently me being cheap = these cheap items i buy like weekly/ bi weekly
  • Soups (chicken, tomato, beef,
  • Bread
  • Egg Noodles
  • Crackers
  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Apples, Bananas, Oranges, Melons and Strawberries
  • Broccoli, coli flower, onions, bell peppers (paprika), carrots
  • WATER! (especially table spoon sugar to 1 litre water)

I live in Europe
You don't seem to have any protein in your list. Or dairy products. Choose veg and fruit that is in season and therefore cheaper. And homemade food rather than ready meals.

Good luck.

Irene xx
Oh yea forgot milk :) and cereals (mostly breakfast)

What's a great cheaper alternative to protein, other than meat?