Cambridge Slimmer of the Year 2008


New Member
Just wondered if anyone on here had been entered?
I've been entered but everyone is keeping their cards very tight to their I know nothing more...!!!
Will see you there, all I have managed to gleen is that there are approx 50 finalists, and the winner is announced at about 430pm, with the awards being given at the dinner. Hope that helps!
How well have you done? I've lost 7st 11lbs so far and am trying to get rid of that last 3lbs before next week!!!! lol!

There are a number of shortlisted candidates. The finalists will be announced on the day in the afternoon followed by the announcement of the winners. The awards are presented in the afternoon.

The whole event is followed by a Gala Dinner in the evening.

Good luck to all those who have been entered.
Good Luck, I hope I'm in this position next year.
Is it always announced this time of the year? What time in the year do have to enter it initially?