Citric -free fizzy drinks?


New Member
Hi all,

Does anyone know of any 'diet' fizzy drinks available in the UK that are free of citric acid?

I think pop with citric acid may be slowing things down for me. :confused:
This thread here seems to talk about citric acid (

Do you drink much soda then? I try to have no more than one per day, and am currently trying one per week!!

H20 is usually our best friend. If you'd like some advice, why not post your menus for a few days and we'll see if we can see where you could make some changes. Congratulations on your weight loss to date (presuming your signature is up to date? I'm not sure as your start date is logged at 12/05...)
This thread here seems to talk about citric acid (

Do you drink much soda then? I try to have no more than one per day, and am currently trying one per week!!

H20 is usually our best friend. If you'd like some advice, why not post your menus for a few days and we'll see if we can see where you could make some changes. Congratulations on your weight loss to date (presuming your signature is up to date? I'm not sure as your start date is logged at 12/05...)


I don't drink too much soda; mostly redbush tea or other caffeine-free teas. I try to avoid caffeine so diet cola is of my list. I was guzzling down 7up Free last week when the weather was hot, but after reading about citric acid taking you out of ketosis, I panicked and stopped.

The signature is up to date; I had a rapid drop in weight for the first week or so then it seemed to slow when I went onto the cruise phase. I'm checking my scales on a weekly basis to avoid day-to-day panics. At the moment i'm alternating white protein days, (mostly chicken breasts, egg white omlettes) then a protein and veg day, which is mainly raw fish and leafy greens, cucumber and tomatoes. I'm not forgetting the oat-bran gallettes each day but make some oat bran porridge on the days I go cycling to fill me up a bit for the ride. I think things are back on track, but I'll know better when I get on the scales next Monday.
This thread here seems to talk about citric acid (

Do you drink much soda then? I try to have no more than one per day, and am currently trying one per week!!

H20 is usually our best friend. If you'd like some advice, why not post your menus for a few days and we'll see if we can see where you could make some changes. Congratulations on your weight loss to date (presuming your signature is up to date? I'm not sure as your start date
(sorry answered wrong poster see below lol!)