Day 88 .... Have I blown Ketosis? .....


Full Member
So in bed last night coughing fit of note, tried water - coughed more... after an hour thought sod it and had some cough syrup (kids sugar free tixylix as it was the only thing I could find):sigh:

So what do we think? .... Do I expect the mother of all headaches in 3 days as the body re-adjusts or as it was sugar free may I have gotten away with it?

And what would be good for a bloody awful cough?!

Thanks! :eek:
Firstly day 88 :worthy: fantastic. You probably will get away with it ;) and sometimes needs must. :D
Even if you've come out of ketosis you can get back there so don't beat yourself up about it!
88 days is pretty amazing tbh!