Diet Chef - any stories?

Hi All

Well, here I am, fed up and desperate. I am having so many issues due to my weight. Pain, can't have an op I need due to risks. Been told to lose as much weight in 3 months as possible.

So I have done almost every diet going, and I admit, if I dont see results quick I give up. I can't do that now. I HAVE to do this. Im not going to lie, I love food. I dont eat regularly but I eat lots and the wrong stuff. I like salad, veg and meats, in fact theres not much I dont like and theres the problem.

So been looking at Diet Chef, and what I like is the fact all meals are prepped for you, and all you need to do is add fruit/veg. I can do it, i know i can. But has anyone had any experience with this, any success stories etc?

Any help would be much appreciated xxx
Hi - I have used Diet Chef previously and had a lot of success, losing two stones in two months.

It's definitely not the fastest results diet but it takes the thinking out of calorie counting and that's where I've fallen down in the past. The food is mostly tasty (I'm sure thee will be a thread of what to try and what to avoid somewhere, if not that might be one *I* start! because that's the kind of thing I would have liked to know before trying it!

Anyway, I just restarted Diet Chef as I've put a lot of weight on since meeting my partner and being comfortable is one thing, but bursting out of all the clothes you could fit into a year ago is another and I intend to try and fix this.

Signed up to the 12 week plan, and I'll be sure to contribute / start useful information/comments as much as I can!

The perks of this diet aside from the convenience is that it has never left me starving hungry and craving anything and also if you do slip up or have a treat then that action doesn't ruin what you are doing - unlike the meal replacement diets.

Hope this helps. If you want any further opinion / information then by all means email or private message me (I will surely figure those out, this is my first post!)

I've done Diet Chef in the past and it works. It is mostly about portion sizes. I live alone and got into the habit of making enough food for a family with the intention of eating it over several days and then eating most of it in one go. Not good.
It was 2012 I did it last and was able to go running at the time so the weight loss was steady and easy. I lost 35lbs. This time I have a cast on my arm due to surgery and can't exercise yet but am already seeing results after 3 weeks. Still a long way to go. Best of luck Apocolipstick.