Dinner (Warning Contains Food!)

I have decided to have a small meal today, but I have only had two shakes to couonter balance it. I am planning on having slow grilled skinless chicken breast and grilled/steamed veg (2-3 tbsp)
The veg I have chosen is tomatoes, fine beans and shallots. I don't think this will come to more than 200cal all in all, but does everyone think the veg is ok? Per hundred grams theyre quite high n carbs, but I think they should be ok?
I don't want to gain weight after having chosen such a healthy meal!!

Any advice please?
the tomatoes and shallots could knock you out of ketosis and its best not to skip a shake as you need the vits and minerals
as the PP said, GREEEEEEN veg only hun, so stay away from anything thats not in the book....Also, make sure you have that 3rd shake...your body can go into starvation mode becuase its not got everything it needs which will not only kick you out of ketosis...but will make you hungry!
Thanks for that! In the end I had grilled chicken breast and a small handful of steamed fine beans, a small slice of cucumber and (shamefully) a slice of cheese.
The cheese was bad I know, I feel terrible for it, but I will have my shake and hopefully all will be well in the world, as tomorrow is another SS day!
