Do it for them!


New Member
Weight loss for me has generally been about appearance and general feelings of self-worth (or-lack-thereof!) This time is different, I have started to feel unwell, lethargic and disinterested in life/fun. You could say I've lost my mojo! I've done very low cal diets in the past and succeeded... but both times I feel pregnant and had to stop. Maintained my weight (and even lost a bit) during both pregnancies BUT the return to work post birth sent me back into old 'eating for comfort' habits. Now it's worst than ever- I lost my job and now work a night job to TRY and make ends meet but as a result eating has become a bit of a prison and the weight gain has made me more unhappy than ever.

Then I look at my girls, they adore me and NEED me. So I have to do it this time for them first and foremost.

So I have ordered my Exante bumper pack as it is so much cheaper than LL, CD etc... and although I am well aware of the benefit of group therapy/one to one support... at this time I truly can not afford those luxuries so I have joined this forum as my support. Even if all I do is talk to myself/document my journey and hope that I am able to stay on track long enough to make a significant difference to my life and to my wonderful family. I want to be able to chase after my kids, go for long walks as a family unit and set a clear example of how to live a healthy, balanced life.

So wish me luck!
Welcome and good luck :) i started healthy eating and exercise in feb mostly for health reasons first and appearance second :)

Hang on in there, you'll get lots of support on here, keep posting, i look forward to chatting with you :)