

New Member
Hi everyone. I'm thinking of starting the Eurodiet. Has anyone tried this and what were your results. Is it worth it etc. Thanks
Hi there. I don't think we have any folk here on that specific diet. however, it is similar to Alevere, Exante, Cambridge Diet and Slim & Save etc. You can get great results with these very low calorie diets, which also disrupt our usual food habits. If you are ready to commit, and handle social and family events and Christmas etc, you'll be really likely to have good results. Check out some of the vlcd threads. You get into ketosis

Fyi, the NHS is trialling the Newcastle diet, vlcd diet shakes, to help people who have type 2 diabetes reverse the symptons.

The real issue is long term success. If you revert to eating and drinking in the style that got you fat, you'll regain. It's really important to have a plan for eating right, tracking your weight and taking action if you go up a couple of lbs immediately. So phase 3 and 4 are essential to stabilising your metabloism and enabling you to incorporate carbs in a manageable sustainable way.

For me, it's absolutely worth it. I felt powerless to start - and the quick wins of a vlcd gave me hope. I feel so much better now - only another 60 lbs or so to go!

Having medical supervision means you'll have supervision - which may be worth it if that includes blood tests - or will hep you stick to it. Are you ready for the commitment and the results?

If you do EuroDiet, post in the vlcd or diary threads and anywhere you feel like joining in! I often hang out on the We mean it this time forum. Good luck!