Fantastic Book


Full Member
for those who want to know the science behind low carbing... and the horrific way that we've been mislead about low fat diets there is a great book called: "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes. I am shocked and horrified that we have been so misled by politics associated with our food (I know, I know why should I be shocked?). There is no science behind low-fat dieting... in fact, in many cases it can be very harmful. I lost a lot of weight on Atkins before so I know it works. But knowing WHY it works is really changing my thoughts about not only my food, but the food I feed my children.

Enjoy the book. It's a bit technical but very well put together and it should be the changing point of lots of people's daily diets!
What South Beach recipe book (easy to prepare, with pictures!) would you recommend?